
Apr 19, 2013

Weekend Reads: Yin and Yang of Customer Communities, Gamification in the Workplace

This week gave us a look at what needs to go on internally and externally to make customer communities work, we talked gamification, SharePoint and took a look at risk management through discovery readiness. 

Top Customer Experience Article

We can all agree that today's companies not only want, but need to become customer centric. So how can companies engage with customers and provide them with the necessary service they desire? Customer Communities. In her article How to Create a Culture of Customer Centricity, Elizabeth Brigham (@esbrigham) talks "proven concepts" that both marketers and other community owners need to keep in mind:

Developing a company that's customer centric is contingent on having both an active customer community as well as a channel to funnel customer activity and discussions back into the employee network. Simply put, it's the Yin and Yang of a truly social business."

The Contenders:

We had a very close race this week for top articles. Here are the contenders:

Top Social Business Article

Gamification may have started as a way for companies to engage with customers but many companies have since seen its worth amongst employees within the organization. In Richard Hughes' (@_richardhughes) article More Than a Game: Introducing Game Mechanics to the Workforce the usefulness of gamification is certainly acknowledged but, as with anything, there needs to be guidelines to achieve the intended goal. 

The application of game dynamics within a business can be very valuable to motivate employees and drive positive behaviour towards business objectives. But the design of such initiatives, and the language used to describe them needs to be handled with caution, as badly designed "games" may result in the exact opposite of the intended goal, and even run into problems with employment law in some countries."

The Contenders:

This week in our contender positions we have:

Top Information Management Article

Richard Medina (@richarddoculabs) says it all starts with a "discovery program framework" in his article How to Develop and Implement Your Discovery Readiness Program.

The obvious motivation behind the program framework is that you can do a lot better tackling your litigation and compliance obligations if you’re proactive. There are many ways to be “proactive” in litigation and compliance; for example, by doing an early case assessment right after a trigger event to determine the best approach for that matter."

The Contenders:

And the runner-up is:


Source : cmswire[dot]com

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