
Apr 21, 2013

This Week: Why Customer Communities Work & What's Driving Employee Engagement

What Makes Customer Communities Tick
What makes people join? Why do they stick around? Check out these customer communities insights. And watch the replay of our recent Google #CXMHangout on Customer Communities — it's not to be missed!

Social Business: Then and Now
Deb Lavoy has been a prolific writer on the topic of Enterprise 2.0. In 2010 she talked about how social media was changing Enterprise 2.0. This week she goes further looking at the real drivers of employee engagement.

He Said, She Said: Records Management in SharePoint?
Joe Shepley says you can't do records management in SharePoint. Mimi Dionne fiercely disagrees. Read her take on the SharePoint/Records Management debate.

Tweet Jam: Customer Communities
Join CMSWire on April 24th 10am PDT, 1pm EDT, 1700 GMT for our #CXMChat Tweet Jam. The topic — Building successful customer communities. Read the Tweet Jam questions and see the experts who will be tweeting. Mark your calendars!

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Learn how marketing automation can boost customer engagement, create more sales-ready leads and dramatically increase company revenue.
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Source : cmswire[dot]com

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