
Apr 29, 2013

Responding to Users, Pinterest Adds Back Some Changes, Unveils New Ones

Pinterest is continuing its makeover, in part by undoing the future. The popular image-pinning site unveiled a new look in March, but some of the changes didn’t go over well with users. So, post-feedback, it’s now bringing back some older features and adding a few new ones. 

“Stuff we’ve brought back” includes the “see it now” link that allows a user to go directly to their pin after pinning. There’s also the return of clicking on a pin to allow a user to see where the image was repinned from, a recast version of the previous “via” link. The @ mention is also back, by which friends can be referenced in pin descriptions by typing the @ sign before their name, which brings up a choice of possible user names. And the Find Friends function returns, allowing you to see which Facebook or Twitter friends are on Pinterest.

Recent Activity, Suggested Keywords & Coming Soon

New improvements include an upgrade to the Recent Activity link, which has been moved to the upper right corner, providing a peek at who’s following you, has repinned, liked or commented on your pin, or mentioned you. Typing terms in the search box brings up suggested keywords, and, coming soon, a “new pins” function will notify you when new pins have been added to your feed.

Pinterest - better search.png

Pinterest is also floating trial balloons about some improvements it’s thinking about, such as “the ability to rearrange your pins, search for your pins, know when you’ve pinned something already, or create a board within a board.” But, as Pinterest notes, implementation of these for all users can be tricky. E.g., some users have a dearth of pins, and so don’t really need a function to create a board within a board.

The new wave of updates is being rolled out gradually, but to get the changes sooner, click on the “Get it now” button at the top of the home feed.

Avoiding Facebook

In January, Pinterest tested a variety of new changes, including enhancements to navigation and larger pins, with a small group of users. Key motives included making it easier for users to get to their destination faster, providing new ways for discovery and exploring without losing your place.

In March, the new changes were rolled out, with larger images and a subtly cleaner design, but with mixed feedback. Pins were made larger, back-end performance was enhanced, and Pinterest’s underpinnings were rebuilt to sustain a user population that added tens of millions of new users in the last year alone.

With a few steps forward and a couple back, Pinterest appears to be gingerly feeling its way toward a site that is readying itself for growth without offending users too much. It clearly wants to avoid the large waves of negative reaction to change that Facebook has encountered.


Source : cmswire[dot]com

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