On Wednesday, we all came together for another monthly Tweet Jam — this time to discuss how to grow and engage customer communities . Sure, it sounds simple enough but we wanted to dig deeper to learn what really goes into developing and managing opportunities for customer engagement. Since there were lots of questions, we've separated our recap into two parts. Let's take a closer look, shall we?
The Collective Community Customer communities are great, but only if they drive organizational success. What does that mean, exactly? It means getting everyone involved, from employees to stakeholders to customers and giving community managers the resources they need. As for who owns a community? If done correctly, it belongs to everyone and relies on everyone to help sustain it.
[ View the story “Q1. What are the most important communities for organizational succes and who owns them?” on Storify ] Q1. What are the most important communities for organizational succes and who owns them? Storified by CMSWire.com · Fri, Apr 26 2013 08:42:14
Q1 Important communities are the strongest when we have connected experience and relationships with one another #Cxmchathenrymin
Q1 Customers. The 90-9-1 guideline for community engagement applies. The 1% are your influencers who create the content and value. #cxmchatTatiana Mejia
Q1 Community owner? Marketing. Yes, including support. The focus is on the customer journey incl. post purchase and lifetime value. #cxmchatTatiana Mejia
Q1 hmm…that could change per company/industry, but one critical internal community is support #CxmchatChristian Buckley
Q1 Most important communities for a org are ones with a strong catalyst and theme that ties us together #Cxmchathenrymin
Q1 Customer experience is most important. Biz cases: customer service, path to purchase, digital marketing #cxmchatRob Howard
Q1 some orgs build Centers of Excellence around project mgmt, product mgmt, service, ops, etc #CxmchatChristian Buckley
A1. Start w/employees. Help them feel personally responsible for the success of the company. Social is a direct line to customer. #CXMChatJustin Mass
Q1 Everybody in the company should be a part of the community, or, at the minimum interface with a community manager. #cxmchatBrian Johnson
Q1 - customer service communities (support), partner and loyalty communities (marketing) #cxmchatCurtis Gross
Q1 The answer to Q1 - Who owns the customer community? - IS -> Who owns customer experience? #CXMChatZena Weist
Q1 Ownership isn't outright, It should feel shared between the host and the members so there's a shared sense of ownership #Cxmchathenrymin
Q1 And social communities can bind together all the customer experience touch points bit.ly/17SKmaP #cxmchatRob Howard
Q1 some of the most important/successful communities are organically grown around a specific need #CxmchatChristian Buckley
Q1 - Any community that drives organizational success - will change based on customer journey - owned by cust support and marketing #CXMCHATtrobbins
#cxmchat Q1 Varied approaches, but 1 - Healthy internal and 2 customer support/sales/engagementMegan Murray
Q1: Advocate communities (Inner Circle); accountability should be shared across key functions in the org. #lifecycle #cxmchatcreatorbase
RT @zenaweist: Q1 The answer to Q1 - Who owns the customer community? - IS -> Who owns customer experience? #CXMChat <<< agreeRob Howard
Q1. Our customers comm of course. All of our depts are involved in building & listening, but mostly it's on our Community dept. #cxmchatStephanieWiriahardja
Q1 agree with @MJAutomatic — when you assert ownership, it often kills community #CxmchatChristian Buckley
Agree! RT @MeganMurray: #cxmchat Q1 Varied approaches, but 1 - Healthy internal and 2 customer support/sales/engagementZena Weist
Q1 I think any where your customers are talking is important #Cxmchat twubs.com/CxmchatBarb Mosher Zinck
Q1 in terms of ownership, a healthy community should be self governing to an extent. CMs are there as a connection to the org. #cxmchatBrian Johnson
Q1 ownership is often determined by the stakeholders, and then by who is most passionate #CxmchatChristian Buckley
Q1 a healthy community is owned by its objective, i.e. customer service #cxmchatRob Howard
#cxmchat A1 depends on what you goal is, and who your audience is, that's in part because every community structure will be differentJohn Cass
Q1. Customer communities can go either way - it can either strengthen one's brand, or kill it. Be sure to listen & engage asap! #cxmchatStephanieWiriahardja
Q1 The term community is huge and can mean many things. A small customer research community might be owned by product team. #cxmchatBrian Johnson
#CXMChat A1) We all have ownership and accountability for facilitating and linking org. and community.Cindy Jensen
#cxmchat a1 again depends on the orgs goals but these are important product development, customer support and marketing promotionJohn Cass
What Can Customer Communities Do For You? Customer communities can provide many benefits to organizations. Of course, it depends on your organization's goals, but if set up and managed successfully, customer communities have the potential to provide businesses with feedback, crowdsourced content, idea generation, insights and best of all, the ability to form meaningful relationships, which can lead to long term customer loyalty. While customer communities can definitely provide valuable information, it really does depend on how organizations choose to use the insights they've gained.
[ View the story “Q2. What are the top 3 opportunities customer communities provide organizations today?” on Storify ] Q2. What are the top 3 opportunities customer communities provide organizations today? Storified by CMSWire.com · Fri, Apr 26 2013 08:44:19
#cxmchat Q2: Scaling support, engagement, and gathering feedback that keeps value exchange relevant.Megan Murray
Q2 Top 3? Crowdsourcing of content. Boosting natural search and reach. Depth and quality of a social experience across channels. #cxmchatTatiana Mejia
Q2: real feedback, real world information and real engagement #CXMCHATtrobbins
Q2 Top 3: Enhance customer experience, Multi-channel Voice of customer feedback, Transparent listening vs eavesdropping #Cxmchathenrymin
Q2 Cust Comm can give great ideas & feedback #Cxmchat twubs.com/CxmchatBarb Mosher Zinck
Q2 Oppty #1: scale the number of customer touch points #cxmchatRob Howard
A2. unfiltered feedback, idea generation and loyalty #Cxmchat twubs.com/CxmchatSteve Gass
Q2. They create powerful WOM, be brand ambassadors, and be the ears and eyes for the company. #cxmchatStephanieWiriahardja
A2 1) Visibility into the collective unconscious 2) sounding board for ideas 3) accountability for taking action #CxmchatChristian Buckley
Q2 Oppty #2: influence path-to-purchase or customer service outcomes #cxmchatRob Howard
Q2 Insight. Honest feedback. Relationships. #cxmchatBrian Johnson
Q2. Realizing this, me and the @HootClub team created Diplomat & @HootCampus program to foster the relationships & celebrate them! #cxmchatStephanieWiriahardja
A2: 1. Engagement 2.Trust 3. Value. #CXMchatMindTickle
Q2 Enhancing the overall customer experiences journey is a strong opportunity w/a clear ROI for orgs today #Cxmchathenrymin
Q2: Engagement with customers, crowd sourcing support, and another source of feedback #CXMChatPaul Agustin
A2 the real value is getting a better understanding of the customer experience, internal or external #CxmchatChristian Buckley
Q2 Oppty #3: acquire customer insight/behavior data #cxmchatRob Howard
Q2 1) Build Trust 2) Listen 3) Take action #cxmchatZena Weist
Q2 The biggest opportunity for an org is the ability to improve one person's life in one small way. #cxmchatBrian Johnson
Q2 listen, respond, repeat #Cxmchathenrymin
A2 - Value, Loyalty, Feedback #cxmchatCurtis Gross
Q2 Having a strong community means that you're looking outside and not in. If you do it right, business will follow. #cxmchatBrian Johnson
A2 practically speaking, connecting passionate advocates to your customers reduces support costs #CxmchatChristian Buckley
Q2 Eavesdropping across social provides a broad dataset. Transparent listening provides sharper data #Cxmchathenrymin
Q2: Optimize an open & gated #community approach; enable & ensure customer segments success; reduce #cxm and marketing costs. #cxmchatcreatorbase
A2 an annual survey will not provide an accurate picture of customer sentiment that community can uncover #CxmchatChristian Buckley
A2 participating in the community helps find new opps for your products or services, maybe an entirely new direction #CxmchatChristian Buckley
@cmswire @MeganMurray Q2 Love doesn't directly grow the bottom line. If you can use social data tied to customer journey = revenue #cxmchatBrian Johnson
Q2 Social customers are savvy & skeptical. Leverage community to get your Champions to advocate for you in a trustworthy way #cxmchatAzita Martin
A2 community gives you insights into whats important to the community, leading edge, influencing the media, and voice you use #cxmchatJohn Cass
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Source : cmswire[dot]com
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