
Apr 22, 2013

Swipp Offers Business Version of Its Topic-Rating Social Intelligence Platform

Mountain View, California-based startup Swipp is doing its best to turn its name into a verb. In January, it released the first consumer application of its social intelligence platform, allowing users to swipp (rate/comment and view ratings/comments) specific topics. This week, it is launching a new social intelligence suite for businesses, Swipp Plus.  

Swipp Plus is designed to turn any website, blog or marketing campaign into a social conversation of swippers, potentially providing insight into what the conversationalists think about a given product or service. Additionally, it provides the tools for companies to ID top influencers, monitor responses to a brand over time, track changes in consumer sentiment or keep an eye on competitors.

Swipp for Businesses

The Swipp Plus version also offers an API for integrating the service into applications. Swipp widgets can be embedded into websites so owners can get visitor input about products, site content or other areas of interest.

Swipp+ Widget.jpg
Swipp Plus Widget

Swipp Plus Dashboard

The company’s global social intelligence platform, launched in January, offers topics —
such as a famous person, location, or brand — in a Swipp mobile app or via the Web. Users can slide a bar expressing their opinion, from loving a topic (+5) to hating it (- 5) or anywhere in-between. A graphical face changes from smiling to frowning as the bar moves from liking to hating, and an aggregate score of all users for that topic is available.

Five-hundred swippers, for instance, could have a composite +3 score for, say, dark chocolate. A Super Bowl-related Swipp allowed users to express their opinions about individuals players, commercials or brands, and see the aggregate value and selected comments.

Does Swipp Bring Anything New to the Table?

A photo or a comment can be added to the topic, and real-time updates can be filtered by friends, location, age or gender. The platform is available in several languages, and comes pre-populated with millions of conversation-starting topics. In addition, on-the-ground social ambassadors in targeted countries, such as the U.S., U.K., Germany, Brazil and Spain, seed the topic pool for those countries with local topics and trends. The app is free, and the company’s revenue streams including selling data about trend analysis and other insights.

Founded in 2011, Swipp said it has just landed a second round of investment, for
$2 million. The company said one of its differentiators is that user feedback is organized around topics, rather than around users or authors, thus providing responses that are more directly related to subjects of interest to marketers and website owners.

Swipp also noted that “liking” a brand page on Facebook doesn’t provide much insight to marketers, “social listening solutions are notoriously poor at analyzing sentiment,” and its results are more direct and quicker for users than, say, surveys or polls.

One question, however, is how useful the information is to marketers or website owners because respondents self-select their topics. Self-selection tends to weigh more heavily toward strong feelings than does, say, random sampling, Someone who loves dark chocolate, for instance, might be less disposed to take the time to express an opinion than someone who hates it. Another question is whether Swipp is providing data that is not otherwise available on other social platforms.

But we love opinions here at Do you Swipp? If so, how do you like it?


Source : cmswire[dot]com

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