
Apr 17, 2013

Pocket Adds Deeper Social Sharing Capabilities to Content Reader Service

Content sharing and reader tool Pocket (formerly known as Read it Later) has updated its mobile application to improve how well content is shared and viewed.

It’s All About How You Share


These days, there's than one way for people to share content, but Pocket finds that people still look for that intimate, interpersonal communication model that email promotes, which is something it keeps in mind when developing and updating its Pocket application Therefore, with this most recent update the company aims to improve how well content is shared.

These new features, which are for iPhone, iPad, Android and Mac application include the following:

  • Send to A Friend: With this new feature instead of simply sharing a link or the content itself, the sender can comment and highlight quotes from within the content. All recipients, even if they don't have Pocket will receive the link in an email, while those that have Pocket will also receive a notification from the app itself. Content can also be shared from within the app and will appear in the Pocket Inbox.
  • Share Menu: While the Pocket app had a Share Menu before this update, it has been redesigned to list a user's most recently used services, such as Facebook, Twitter or Evernote. Also, once a user has shared content with someone else, a content shortcut is created in the Share Menu.
  • Optional Notifications: The last addition to this update is an optional notification feature where users can choose whether they want to receive push notifications about content that’s been shared with them.


Pocket or Not?

As was mentioned, last year Read it Later changed their name to Pocket. At that time, the content saving and sharing app also added new features that included a bulk editing option and a redesigned interface.

While last year’s update was meant to improve the system, at the time it wasn't always seen as a good option when compared to competitors.

Much of your choice will come down to general design and specific features. If you need pagination, you'll probably stay with Instapaper,” said Thomas Houston of The Verge. “Looking for curated content from editors or others? Readability or Instapaper might be the best choice. Otherwise, Pocket is as good a choice as anything else out there, and it comes at a very nice price.”

As a whole, those who use Pocket not only can save and view articles and texted-based content, but video and images in an offline and online format.

Content can be saved from a browser plug-in, sites such as or from Pocket intergrated apps such as Twitter, Wonder Reader, Google Currents and ByLiner.

Whether these most recent updates elevate the app above its competition remains to be seen.


Source : cmswire[dot]com

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