
Apr 24, 2013

Leadspace: 'Ideal Buyer Profiles' + Prospects = Ideal Prospects

How can you find the Ideal Buyer? Prospect finder Leadspace says that it has developed the first-of-its-kind automatic modeling of Ideal Buyer Profiles by analyzing Big Data.

The new capability, which includes the ability to generate targeted lead lists “tuned” to the Ideal Buyer, is part of a major update to its SaaS B2B social lead targeting solution, released this week.

The Ideal Buyer Profile

In the new release, Leadspace analyzes data about existing online customers from social network postings, blogs, website traffic and other sources. The resulting Ideal Buyer Profile can then be used by Leadspace to help marketers and sales teams scour public and paid databases, social media and existing lead databases for those Buyer characteristics. An Ideal Buyer Profile can also be optimized through Leadspace, which makes suggested tweaks.


The Right Prospects are Critical

Finding and qualifying sales prospects is a key need of sales and marketing. Leadspace said its solution is the first one to find prospects based on what the targets do in their jobs and not just their job titles, and how their characteristics resemble customers who have already purchased the product or service. The company, with offices in Menlo Park, California and Israel, was founded in 2007 by Web mining and semantic analysis veterans.

Co-founder and VP of Products Amnon Mishor pointed out in a statement that, although a “clear and accurate Ideal Buyer Profile is critical,” sales and marketing organizations often “have a hard time agreeing on exactly who their ideal buyer is.” (see: Marketing Needs to Get Smarter When It Comes to Lead Management Optimization)

Given that this disagreement is not the most efficient way to go about acquiring customers or making decisions about marketing budgets, Mishor said that his company “gives marketing and sales unprecedented insight into exactly who they need to target, based on specific, known data.”


The generated prospect lists, which Leadspace described as “hyper-targeted,” are designed to sift out only the most relevant prospects that line up with the Ideal Profile, and to eliminate out-of-date contact info.

The newest Leadspace release also features an updated user interface and what the company said was a more accurate prospect ranking.


Source : cmswire[dot]com

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