
Mar 8, 2013

Weekend Reads: Focusing on Employees + Big Data - Divider or Uniter?

There appears to be as many ways to tackle employee engagement as there are organizations, but I think there is one point that we can agree on: without acknowledging the humans at the center, it doesn't really matter.

Top Social Business Article of the Week

In his piece, With Employee Engagement, Don't Forget the Humans, contributor Tom Petrocelli (@tompetrocelli) reminds us that software is an aid, but no replacement for good management:

Employee engagement requires — flat out requires — a commitment to respecting an individual enough to trust her with control over her work. Or, as General George Patton once said, “Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.” It means sharing information (there is that trust thing again). And everyone must share in the fruits of their labors."

The Contenders

Top Customer Experience Article of the Week 

Phil Kemelor (@philkemelor) takes on a problem facing many companies today in his Can Digital Analytics, Marketing, IT and BI Get Along in the World of Big Data? As companies struggle to find new ways to use big data in marketing campaigns, they need to start seeing this as an opportunity for departments to work together, instead of reinforcing already contentious divisions:

I've been working in the Internet field since 1993 and web analytics since 1996, and I wrote the CMSWatch Web Analytics Report. The push to put digital marketing tools, including analytics, into the hands of marketers (digital and web analytics included) has created an interesting dynamic. Marketers know more about technology solutions than ever before, but the promise of completely enabling marketers to run their programs independent of technology professionals is really more about desire than reality.

The Contenders

Top Information Management Article of the Week 

It's not easy arguing for the need for security controls, but Peter Spier (@peter_spier) makes the case for going through all the stages of pain and growth involved in The 5 Stages of Security Control Procurement: Getting to Acceptance:

Too often resistance to change and insufficient understanding of the risk posed by the absence of a given control results in inaction. To some degree, this may be due to security controls being largely perceived of as depreciable technology assets that are easily confused with the comparable value of other infrastructure. Yet in actuality these critical systems are designed to protect organizations and their sensitive information from risk of compromise."

The Contenders


Source : cmswire[dot]com

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