
Mar 8, 2013

Let Topsy's New Trendspotter Be Your Guide to #SXSW


Today SXSW begins, though pre-conferences and announcements have been active all week. Each year as SXSW becomes more popular and grows to provide more interesting and interactive venues, it gets much harder to keep up with it all. To help you get a better look at what’s hot, what’s trending and what’s not to miss this year, Mashable and Topsy have teamed up to turn the SXSW social chatter into useful insights.

Life According to the Twittersphere

The new “SXSW Trendspotter” is a mobile-enabled website that lets anyone see what’s trending at SXSW, based on real-time analysis of Twitter conversations.
The SXSW Trendspotter gives you up-to-the-minute insights into which topics are trending; start-ups, brands, bands and films that are getting the most buzz; sessions and events that are the most popular; and details about the top tweets, news, photos and videos around each topic.

You can see trends of the overall festival, or by individual categories, like interactive, music, film and brands.


It's hard to believe than only six years ago, Twitter was unveiled at the infamous music and interactive festival. During that time it's become a vital element of the festival experience enabling attendees to promote and share their experiences. This year, Topsy and Mashable hope to leverage Twitter insights to help guide those experiences more than ever.


Source : cmswire[dot]com

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