
Sep 17, 2012

Alfresco Offers Enterprise CMS-Cloud Syncing, Unveils New Alfreso Subscription Bundle

With the release of its new enterprise syncing technology Alfresco has shown again an ability to respond to the changing Enterprise CMS landscape in a way that many other vendors are finding difficult to do. With this new enterprise tool, users of Alfresco Enterprise CMS and its cloud services will be able to keep all their content synced.

CMSWire had a chat with David Gildeh, director of cloud services with Alfresco, who outlined some of the new features and the thinking behind the new release.

The bottom line, he said, is that Alfresco is responding to the fact that many workers now are working away from the desk, and often on their own devices. They are also working with collaborators both outside and inside the enterprise firewall, which can cause real security headaches.

Alfresco Cloud Collaboration

The obvious solution is cloud collaboration and syncing that enables workers to place content that they are working on collaboratively outside the firewall and in the cloud. That way, everyone that needs access to that content can do so easily. It also means that regulated content can stay behind the firewall.

To keep the content on onside of the firewall synced with content on the outside requires a simple sync tool, and there are many of them on the market at the moment.

Except, Gildeh says, Alfresco is not Dropbox or Box, or any other file sharing application.

Alfresco is talking about syncing a full enterprise content management system with all the histories, all the file versions, all the metadata, and all the different kinds of content that you would find in a typical Enterprise CMS.

We’ve had replication before, which has allowed us replicate content between different repositories so if you were enterprises and you were using Alfresco in two different locations we can do replication for this,” Gildeh said.

However, this is different..; this synching capability is something we have just completed ourselves and this is the first time we have provided syncing capability between alfresco enterprise on premise version and our cloud services.”

He says there has been a lot of interest in this release, which has been fully tested and is production ready. Customers are already signing up to get on board, particularly as more workers are going mobile in more companies.

Alfresco is claiming a first with this solution and says it is the only platform that can connect people, processes, content and systems on both sides of the firewall.

Alfresco One

In order to enable its customers connect with the cloud, Alfresco is also adding a new bundled subscription package that anticipates the increasing use of the cloud by business users, but also actively encourages the use of the Alfresco cloud.

The new Alfresco One enterprise subscription includes:

  • Alfresco Enterprise: The full bells-and-whistles Alfresco Enterprise CMS for managing content
  • Enterprise Cloud Network: A SaaS cloud service that is fully secured with easy share features
  • Enterprise Sync: This is the new syncing feature that Alfresco has just introduced which syncs all files across all locations
  • Alfresco Desktop Sync (beta): This will be generally available in November and will enable syncing between desktop files and the cloud or on-premises systems
  • Enhanced Encryption and Security: Content is encrypted in the cloud when being accessed using mobile devices.

The new bundle and syncing tool has just been made generally available today there will undoubtedly be a lot more to say on this in the coming months, but if you’re interested in more, it will be on show at Dreamforce as of tomorrow (September 18).


Source : cmswire[dot]com

1 comment:

  1. All your data on Alfresco Cloud is backed up every hour to make sure you lose nothing should there be unforeseen troubles or errors. Plus automatic restore makes sure Alfresco is responding all the time.
